Illustration for a supposed Lonely Hearts ad reading "Nottinghill based movie star seeks gullible stunner". Each character's image on the deck of playing cards can be spun around and viewed upside down to tell quite a different story.

Male character design for Lonely Hearts Playing Cards.

Female character design for Lonely Hearts Playing Cards.
"Jack and the Beanstalk" An adaptation of a well known fairytale for the local African market. Image one.
"Jack and the Beanstalk" An adaptation of a well known fairytale for the local African market. Image two.
"Jack and the Beanstalk" An adaptation of a well known fairytale for the local African market. Image three.

Image one of an ambigram I designed in linocut. An ambigram is an image that can still be read when flipped 180 degrees.

Image two. (Image one upside down) I played with printing the linocut on different papers and collaging it.

"Heaven in my eyes" Digital.
An Escher-inspired illustration of a fable about the tortoise and the turtle. Scratchboard.

"The Tinderbox" First double page spread. Acrylic.

"The Tinderbox" Second double page spread. Acrylic.

Gorilla hand in cage. Pencil drawing.

A watercolour copy of a Michaelangelo painting.

Newspaper clipping of my first prize win when at Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

More clippings of "Aluminium City".